My Day and Random Thoughts

Today I woke up a little after 1pm. I ended up going to bed at 6am for the second night in a row. Talking to people on Skype is kind of addicting. Right now I'm really tired and I have a headache. I hate headaches, especially when I'm tired, I don't feel like doing anything except lying around, getting on the internet or watching some tv. And nothing is ever on tv anymore, so that gets boring pretty quickly. I'm kinda hungry but I don't feel like eating and I'm supposed to be working on homework, but I don't feel like doing that either. I'm just gonna be lazy and do nothing all day. Today so far is pretty much crap! I would take a nap but I could be up all night again if I did that, and I gotta go to school tomorrow.
I hate going to school during the summer!! If I didn't have school I wouldn't care how late I stayed up or how late I slept in. Plus I don't have a job so no need to worry about getting up for that. Hmmm, maybe I should get a job. I haven't worked in almost 5 months and I could always use the extra money. Then again I'd have to get a job working around my school schedule, which would suck because then I really wouldn't have time to hang out with friends or anything. Man, college life isn't all that fun. Atleast I've met some pretty cool people over the year. None of them I hangout with though. They're just those school friends that you see and talk to only in school. I think I just need to take a break from school and skip out on a whole quarter. That'd actually be pretty nice.
My school is year round and they encourage us to not skip out on a quarter because they say we can graduate faster and get into our proffession right after college. That idea to me is stupid. Why am I being rushed to get this stuff done? I'm really in no hurry to enter the "real world". Being rushed in school makes me actually hate school. Which is why I guess I'm starting to get pretty tired of it already.
Yay! My headache is starting to go away. Have I really been writing this out for that long? Haha, I guess I have. Even though it doesn't seem like I've written alot, I've been writing off and on. Listening to Clazziquai might have helped out to. They're so calm and relaxing. Thanks alot Cindy and Oliver for introducing them to me!! I think the rest of the day should hopefully get a little better.
I guess I can end it here until the next time I have some random thoughts.
Aww, I hate headaches too. I used to get them all of the time until I went to the doctor's and they said I should consume less caffeine, lol. And yay for Clazziquai. They're good.
Oh man, 5 months without a job? Geez, how do you get by? haha jk. School can surely get in the way though. That's what sucks about it. Trying to balance is out -.-
Getting constant headaches is a bother. It prevents you from focusing on what you're doing. Then again, there's medication for that. Thing is, I don't swallow pills. I'm usually the 'Theraflu/Liquid' person. Lmao!
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