Long Day

Today I woke up at 5:45 am to go to school. Bleh. Today is my really long day where I'm at school from 8am till 9pm. I don't even know how I got to school this morning haha, I was so tired. How I got through math class is also a mystery. Thank God for energy drinks! Better than coffee...well maybe not, probably just as bad. But at least they don't taste bad like coffee.
I'm really really sore right now too, I can barley lift my arms. Yesterday I worked out with my friend Alex for a good hour and a half doing mostly upper body exercises. I felt pretty accomplished that I made it through all the exercises since I haven't worked out in a while. I think on Wednesday I'll run at least two miles to get in my cardio. I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was! :D
My photography class was pretty easy today. I actually payed attention for once and it wasn't that boring like it normally is. My teacher told us this story today about how she had a friend come over her house one day a long time ago, and she saw her dog which was black, and the lady goes "Why would you get a black dog? Now you have to look at a black face all the time." Clearly that lady was a racist. So my teacher was apparently upset about that so she wanted to photograph a scene that she felt sent a message out to racists. She took her kids and dressed them up in KKK outfits. Then they went to their cellar with their black dog and she set it up so it looked like the kids were killing the dog, but not really. And there was a sign in the back that said "Die Nigger Dog". So I was like whoa...that's pretty intense since she's using kids for this. But I guess since it caught my attention it was a pretty good photograph. Then she showed us this other photo. It was her husband with no shirt on in an army helmet and a KKK patch on his arm. There was a table in front of him with an American Flag covering it and on top of that was a bunch of weapons and KKK patches and other stuff. I forget what the message was because I was trying to figure out where she even got all this Klan stuff from. I really feel like she might be a bit of a racist herself and she's just telling us these stories as a cover up. I'm not sure though so I'm not gonna make any drastic assumptions yet, but we'll see what else happens through out the rest of the quarter.
After I get through my next class, which starts at 6, if I don't die of boredom, I plan to go see Pineapple Express at the midnight showing. Hopefully everyone that said they wanted to see it can actually go and not bail out on me at the last second like a couple times before.
I've been listening to alot of Heavy Metal today too for some reason. Like Killswitch Engage and SlipKnot. I found out about this really cool heavy metal band called HellYeah. After listening to them I was like Hell Yeah! Then I put one of their songs on my Myspace. I think I'll listen to some ColdPlay later and take it down a notch.
Did I mention I was really really sore and can barley lift my arms?
Oh man, that whole KKK story kind of gave me the chills. I still don't get what message your teacher is trying to give out, but I'm assuming maybe in some ways, she's a little racist? I mean based on what I read. Then again, I guess you'll have to find out what's going to happen. That's some intense stuff though.
I still want to see Pineapple Express! Ahh James Franco is in it :D
Did I tell you I'm no longer sore anymore? Well except my back. I need to stop slouching now. Haha!
Take it easy, Murdoc :] You'll do fine!
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