Family Feud=Free Entertainment

Today I woke up around 11:30am. My friend Scott and his brother moved to California but came back home for the week and they were gathering with some family members for a welcome home party. So I went along with a couple other friends. At first I thought it was just going to be us and a few of his cousins. When I got their to my suprise there was actually a bunch of people their. So then I was thinking, well this is just going to be a party full of awkward moments. But it was actually quite entertaining and really fun!
When we were first their I noticed 3 of his cousins who were all really attractive...they were hot...yea. Anyways, later I found out two of them were actually like 15 or 16. Jailbait much?
We were all chillin and eating food and talking about whatever for a while. Scott's aunt was drinking some wine and after a while I noticed she was starting to get a little tipsy. Then she kept talking about how she didn't care how much she drank and if she wanted to drink then she was going to. And she was drinking from a 1.5 Liter wine bottle too, it was huge! Eventually she was clearly drunk and she was hilarious. She kept dancing around and almost stumbled off the deck. She kept smoking a lot too. She was ranting on and on about how tomorrow was her quit day and she was gonna stop smoking so she could buy a car but since she was drunk as hell she just couldn't stop smoking. LOL. I think she had atleast 2 packs of cigarrettes the entire time we were their. What was even funnier about this whole situation was that her daughter was their too, I think she was 18 or 19. The whole time her mom was embarassing her and she knew she was. So she was like "I'm gonna go inside and stop embarrassing my daughter", then she'd come back out about 5 minutes later, stumbling, slurring her words, saying random stuff, and dancing around. But the daughter didn't seem to mind too much and she was actually laughing about everything too. I kinda feel like it's not the first time this has happened in their family.
While Scott's aunt was drunk off her ass, his cousins and their friends were argueing and going through all this drama. I found it all pretty entertaining. I found out that this girl Sam was haveing issues with her boyfriend Ryan since he would always get drunk and she'd have to take care of him and she was pretty much tired of that. She deleted her text messages off her phone and Ryan got really mad at her for that because he thinks she's seeing some other guy and she doesn't want him to see the text messages. But really her inbox was just full and she deleted it to make room. Also, Ryan was apparently messing around with this girl Michelle who's one of Scott's older cousins, and Sam doesn't know about that. Sam also feels Ryan spends too much time with the drunk aunt and not enough time with her. I honeslty feel kind of bad for Sam because I think she's probably a really nice person and her boyfriend is a douche bag and I don't think she deserves someone like him if he's gonna go mess with other girls and treat her like crap while he gets drunk all the time and expect her to take care of him. This other guy Alec was also going through problems with his girlfriend Shelby. So Alec was hanging out the whole time with Michelle and Ryan and abandoned Shelby at one point so Shelby was pretty pissed off at that. Also no one really likes Shelby for some reason because apparently she's a "bitch" and over reacts to alot of things. Later Michelle wanted to go out driving and get something from the store. But everyone kept saying she had too much to drink and that it was a bad idea for her to be out. She got mad becuase she felt she was fine and was tired of everyone telling her that she wasn't well enough to drive. Later she got mad at this girl Lindsay because Lindsay wouldn't give her the keys to her mothers car. To make a long story short, and believe me its long. Almost everyone got drunk, got mad at each other and went through a whole lot of drama and I learned a lot about a bunch of people I had just met. Even though with all the drama that was going on I still had a great time. A whole lot of other stuff went on but this blog could go on for a few pages if I wrote it all out. I just hope I can hang out with his family again, they're awesome! Oh and the food that was their was delicious!
On Monday I'm gonna skip class and go to Beaver Dam with Scott and a group of other friends. I feel kinda bad for ditching class but it's only one class and the work we're doing in their I can finish on Tuesday during my 4 hour break in between classes. Plus Scott's only going to be here for the rest of the week and I'll be in school for 3 of those days, and this is pretty much the only day we can all really hang out besides tonight.
Oh and the Redskins won thier second pre-season game, 17-14! Woot! First game I didn't mention in my last blog but they won 30-16! I don't think I mentioned at all that I'm a huge football fan and an avid watcher. Go Redskins! Ef Cowboys! Even though it's pre-season it's still football to me and I get pretty into it. If football was an Olympic sport America would destroy everyone!
Edit: Alec and Shelby aren't dateing. Shelby is apparently Alec's stalker girl and she obsesses over him. LOL, this story just gets better and better.
Omg, sounds like your day went chaotic, but in a entertaining way.
I hate how when there's a huge gathering, you know what to expect such as awkwardness, constant arguing, and such. That happens sometimes with my family. Lmao!
The aunt seems to enjoy being drunk, but does she remember the things she said? Haha! Oh man, my uncle who passed away two months ago was just like her. He smoked excessively and seemed to enjoy being around people when drunk. I actually danced with him last christmas. It was hella funny!
The dramas going on with bfs/gfs is hilarious. I mean, all in one night too. Talk about excitement :P
Glad you had a swell time.
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