Ocean City

Yesterday I went to Ocean City and had a pretty good time. I was with my two friends, Alex and Grant, and my brother Travis. When we first arrived at the hotel Alex and Grant checked in a room for 2 people even though there was 4 of us staying their, this way we didn't have to pay so much for a room and split the cost up later. The room was pretty decent, it wasn't too small and there were 2 beds and a couch. I slept on the couch.
The first thing we did was go down to the beach to soak up some sun and chill. For me atleast that was only about 10 minutes since I wanted to go get in the water. It was pretty cold at first but once I got used to it, it was really nice. The waves were also a pretty good so I was body surfing for about an hour. We were out on the beach for about 3 hours or so until we started to get hungry. Then we went to this BBQ place called JR's and they had some effing delicious BBQ food!
After dinner we went back to our room and hung out for a little bit deciding what we should do. Alex brought some Vodka and Vanilla Rum so we had a few shots. I personally hardly ever drink at all and I hate the taste of Vodka. I don't ever get drunk either just because I'm not into that. I had about 6 shots and was done drinking for the night.
Later we found out about this club we could get into and not have to be 21 so we took the bus down their to check it out. I'm not realy into clubs and dancing but I had nothing else to do so I figured I might as well have some fun while I was down their. When we got their I noticed a lot of jail bait and was debating whether this was a good idea or not. When we were paying to get in Grant tripped on his sandle a little bit and one of the bouncers their noticed and asked him if had been drinking at all. Of course he said no and then the guy takes out a breathalizer and tells him to take the test, lol. Grant was fine though and didn't have a lot to drink so they let him in. It was really loud in the club and the strobe lights started to mess with my head. Everyone walked around looking for some girls to dance with. I went up to maybe 4 or 5 girls and asked if they wanted to dance and they all said no...wtf. So I didn't really dance at all and later the loud beats and strobe lights really started to get to me and being rejected so many times kind of sucked. So over all the club sucked a lot and I wasted $20. Never going back to that crap shack again.
On the bus ride back there was this really loud obnoxious drunk guy who kept hitting on this girl that was about 18 or 19 and the guy was like 40 something. He wasn't that funny kind of drunk either, he was that kind of drunk you just want to go away before you get so annoyed you just wanna punch him in the face and kick his ass of the bus! ...Anyways...
Instead of going back to the hotel after the club we went to the beach at 2am. There were some people actually down at the beach chillen and what not. It was really nice out too. We went to this lifeguard chair and found the big umbrella they use and someone had a brilliant idea to stick it in the trash can and open it up then fill the trash can with sand. LOL. Then we were about to go get another umbrella when out of no where a cop comes up to us and starts shining his flashlight in our eyes asking us what we were doing. He was actually a really chill cop and just told us the beach was closed and asked if we had any drugs on us. We all decided to leave the beach before we really got into some trouble.
The next day we were out of the hotel by 11am and went back down to the beach and then onto the board walk for a while. We left around 230pm since I had to get back home and get to school since we still had a 2 1/2 hour drive ahead of us and I had to be at class by 6. Luckily I made it almost on time to class. Got a little sunburn but not too bad. Over all I had a good 2 days at the beach. Good times, good times.
I had a bunch of pictures I wanted to post on here but they're all way too big. I'll put some up later once I figure out how to resize them.
Seems quite of an adventure you had.
Clubs aren't really a WOW sort of thing anymore. People underage are clubbin` and I find it pretty annoying. Sucks that you got rejected by 5 girls. I bet they were too shallow. AHAH
Sounds like you got some sort of a mini-bad side of you ;]
You don't have to resize the actual picture! Just use html to have them appear smaller. :]
And good to see that you had fun on the beach. I wish I live close to one, instead of being stuck in a desert, ack!
gaaah there's no beach here, just frikin lakes. well to dance with pretty girls, you have to be:
A: really hot
B: really rich
C: a pedophile hahahhaha
(Jerry told me the last one lol)
I went clubbing twice and I'm invited to go clubbing next friday but I don't think I'll go since I'm not really into clubbing but we'll see ^.^
ahah you joke, come to australia legal age is 18 for everything. ;)
beach fun.. how niceee.
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