Loud people in quiet places are annoying!

Lastnight was pretty cool on Ustream since I finally got unbanned after 3 days! And then all these old ustreamers got on and it was like a big reunion for a while. Then it started to die down again like it usally does. But it was still pretty cool to see that Ustream hasn't been entirley forgotten and people still visit.
Talked on Skype for a while with Abby, Oliver, Natalie, Jom, Jason, Jayther, and Jody and later Jody went on BlogTV which was pretty funny. Except for that one part where Jody cohosted some guy with absolutley no life who had to show us his junk...after that I didn't want anymore random people to cohost. Then I started to think, what if KevJumba cohosted some freak who'd do the same thing during one of his shows? Perverts like that can die and go to hell!! Anyways, other than that, talking to people and getting kicked out of ShimmyCoCoPuffs channel was so much fun before I knew it, it was 330am. So eventually I decided to go to sleep but couldn't until about 4ish.
Oh and Abby found this guy on youtube named WoahItsAndrew and he's actually really funny.www.youtube.com/woahitsandrew
Apparently people say he looks like KevJumba. I guess he does at certain times on some of his vids but not really.
Woke up at 6am and got ready for school after a good 2 hours of sleep. Math was pretty easy since I finished all my homework, well..almost all of it. But I got enough done to know what was going on in class. Then went and got an egg and bacon sandwhich for breakfast, Yum! Then went to another pointless photography class. I should've skipped with this girl Jennifer, all we did was...nothing. Teacher just lectured for about an hour and a half about a few photographers, so I just listened to some music and sort of paid attention and waited the entire class for someone to get on AIM but no one did. Then after break we didn't do anything, she didn't even lecture after that so everyone just went on youtube and did other class projects and stuff.
So this idea of going to London in 2012 for a ustream meet up is like the greatest idea ever! Keeping in touch for that long might be a little difficult but I think we can do it. I personally think a ustream/Skype meet up before 2012 wouldn't be a bad idea, like the one in Cali. Most of us will be around 21 or 22 so no one has to worry about asking parents, and 4 years is plenty of time to get the money to go. I'm definatley up for going!
Right now I got 4 hours until my next class and unlike some people *coughSarahcough* I can't go home and take a nap and then go to my class later. Also these guys behind me are playing a game I played back in like, 7th grade and they keep having random loud outbursts of "Awww cmon!!! Awww!!! AWWWW!! BLEGGHEFAHJDKJHFLAKDJHG!!" So yea...thats getting pretty annoying, lol. I think I'll work on a project and hope someone gets on AIM so I have someone to talk to. Hopefully my lack of sleep doesn't catch up to me in my last class.
Does anyone have change for a $50?
Your title reminds me of loud people in libraries. The whole objective is to be quiet as you do your business in a quiet area, yet people love to blabber so loud, you just want to smack them with a hard-covered book. HAHAH
Andrew looks a little similar to Kevjumba, but I just think people say the same because he's Asian. Lame!
AHAH the thing with Jody's channel was funny, but too many pervs got in the way. Ew.
2012 meet up! We should all plan this so that by then, it'll be set. Depends on whoever is up for it.
hahaha chris yeah, you're really a slacker in class. I wouldn't even mind bringing my laptop in class (i don't know if it's required for you americans though). I think the meet his an awesome idea so we'll have to keep in touch during 4 years
and maybe more to come? who knows?
Ahhh, naps inbetween classes is a beautiful thing, lemme tell you. :PPP Haha.
Who's Jennifer...?
OMFG. he DOES look kind of like kevin. but kevin is way better :]
miss ya murdocc! text/call me sometime or something.
watch: We're all going to finally meet when we're old.
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