Bloggy Blog Blog

Not much has been goin on this week and not much happened today, but I just felt like writing a blog for the heck of it today.
On Thursday there was a fight at my school, which to me was kind of suprising. I wasn't their so I have no idea if it was between two guys or two girls but doesn't really matter, they're stupid as hell. I mean really? In college? They're kicked out of school now, good luck trying to get into another college. And the school isn't going to give them there money back, so if its there first quarter then they just got into a $6,000 fight, maybe more. HAHA, better have been something really worth fighting over. Probably not, im sure it was something idiotic which is how pretty much every school fight starts.
I hate spiders so much! And I just happened to get bit by one. I'm still waiting to turn into Spiderman but it hasn't happened yet. My arm just swelled up a lot and itched like crazy. Still itches a little bit but its getting better. I will evolve into Spiderman! Sooner or later. Give it time young padawan.
Recently i've enjoyed going into random rooms on BlogTV and I've actually met a lot of interesting people. One person in particular made me laugh so much. Oliver knows who I'm talkin about. Yukie! She's this girl from Hong Kong and she doesn't speak English very well but the stuff that she says is so ridiculous and gross, its hilarious. For example, she was talking about how American guys like to jerk off a lot. Yes I know, kinda gross. Anyways, then she put on a cowboy hat and had an American Flag and said that when they're done they go "ROCK ON!" hahaha. I'm not gonna say anything else about what she said just because it was all waay to obscene. Too bad it was her last show because she was going to stop so she could study and do stuff. I'm sure I'll find plenty of crazy interesting people the more I go on BlogTV.
Right now I'm listening to Asian Kung-Fu Generation because they rock! They're a Japanese band and I have no idea what they're saying in their songs but they sound so good! I think they're alot better than freaking BigBang that a select few always talk about on Ustream. I've actually looked up some of their songs with English lyrics so I know a little bit about what they're saying but not all the time. I'd really like to learn Japanese one day, more than any other language. One day.
P.S. I turn 19 in 7 days!! Wooo! :D
hahahaha yukie, that girl was hilarious. there is surprisingly some interesting people on blogtv
*cough* definately not michealmyers *cough*
ahah LOSER. ImtheREALspiderman. :P
You're not Tobey McGuire. HAHA
Those two peeps just put themselves into deep shit.
& I hate spiders too.
When you turn into Spiderman, could you swing by my house and drop off some yummy pizza? Thanks. Haha.
And when I'm looking for new music, I should stop by here. :P Good stuff!
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