Friday, August 22, 2008

"Place witty title here"

Nightlite (demo version) - Bonobo
Today I woke up at 1:30pm. Wtf?! I went to bed at about 1am but still, I got over 12 hours of sleep! Something is wrong with me, haha. Right now its 4pm on the dot and I haven't really done anything except eat a late lunch and watch Malcom in the Middle and Scrubs, lol I love those shows. 

Not much has  been goin on this week except for school which is getting pretty stressful. I'm not doing as good as I thought I was and I really need to start doing better and get my grades back up. I've been so unmotivated since school started and it really sucks that I feel like I don't want to be here anymore even though I do. I just registered for classes next quarter and I'm only going to be takeing 3 instead of 4 classes. My schedule for next quarter is lookin like I'll only have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, which is good because now hopefully I can get a job at the mall.

The song I posted is basically the music I've been listening to for the past week so I can try and relax and not be so stressed out from school. Bonobo is an awesome DJ and I love the music he makes. His genre is called Trip-Hop, not sure if a lot of people have heard of it but it's definatley one of my favorite types of music. Also that's not him singing in the song if you even listened to it, its some other artist named Bajka, Bonobo just makes the wonderful sound of the music.

For the rest of the day I think I'll finish some Math homework even though its not due till Tuesday, but I'm really trying to get things streight again and not ef up in school. And also later tonight I'm going to own everyone in SkypeMe™  challenge that I've heard we're doing tonight lol. I wish it'd rain too, I always enjoy a good thunderstorm :]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard of trip-hop, but have never actually heard anything from it. So thank you for exposing me to this, haha. I like it.

August 23, 2008 at 4:26 AM  
Blogger omarachli said...

trip hop? I shall go search that chris (or baboon like I like to call you!) yeah about working during school, i know i can have a job easily but I kinda don't want to since I'll be dead after a week

August 23, 2008 at 8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That skypeMe challenge isn't taking off very well :(

Good luck with your math homework Loche!

August 24, 2008 at 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trip-Hop? I barely heard that just now. Don't kill me, please. LOL!

You better get yourself straighten up mister! We want you to do well rather than slacking off.


No one was on for the SkypeMe game...


August 25, 2008 at 4:01 PM  

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