Get out of my house!!

So my parents are planning on moving sooner or later so they're trying to fix up the house as best they can when the time comes. New windows, carpets, painting, front yard garden. I think they might move to West Virginia if my mom gets the job opportunity their. And if she did they'd live in Morgantown which is where they famous Chris Cendana lives, oh man! Too bad Im not planning on moving cuz I still have to continue school, but I guess I could always visit.
Right now Im kinda aggravated though because these guys are here replacing our downstairs windows. So they have to hammer and saw stuff and its really really loud. The sound just travels up the walls of my house and it sounds like they're right in my room. But Im mostly aggravated that they had to start working at 8:30 in the freaking morning! What the heck!?
Also my windows are coverd up with this white plastic sheet thing. I hate it. I feel like anyone walking by can see right into my room. Although they can't its just that weird feeling.
When I woke up at 8:30 due to some NOISE, the morning sun just flooded into my room, It was insane. It was like someone was shining a flash light right in my face. I really miss my old dark green blinds that punched that sun light in the face.
Some how I managed to fall back to sleep around 9 and stay aseelp till 11. And they're still here!!! Freaking hurry up and get out of my house!! Sheesh.
Random short story:
One time I was in my basement watching tv and we have those small window sills on the side of the house, so I can see outside (the fence...thats pretty much it) and right next to the windows is our chimney. There were these guys outside working on the gutters or something, and this one guy I guess didn't bother to ask if he could come in and use the bathroom and just starts taken a leak right on our chimeny. I was like "¿". Yes with an upside down question mark. I just kinda went up stairs and ignored what I just saw, and yea. That was pretty weird.
So other than these workers in my house who won't leave, today has just started...crap.
EWWWW that guy has no manners -___-
I would hate if they were to fix up my house that early as well. The's really a bothersome. Earmuffs won't work either D:
Hang in there, Murdy! You'll be relieved once the youstreamskype peeps cheer you up.
ewwww he peed on your chimney!?!
-.- gross
haha once these builder people were at our house and i went outside to watch before school but i think i freaked them out with my quiet watching
don don DON! o.O
its kay murdy, just like abbayy said we gotcho back fasho!
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