Mmmm Marshmallows!!

About a week ago I bought one of the Samurai Champloo soundtracks and it's awesome and I want more! But I don't think I'm gonna buy anymore music off the internet until Christmas comes up and then other people can buy it for me! :D
Right now I smell the delicoius smell of marshmallows and it smells soooo good. Im gonna make my Chubby Bunny video sometime this weekend, possibly later today. Im not sure who got the most out of everyone that's made a video but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna beat everyone :)
I'm mad I missed the Chubby Bunny challenge on Stickam last weekend. I think I was up at UMD that night. I probably could've stayed too since I didn't do anything up their. Oh well, we can always play again!
School has been same old, same old. Passing all my classes which is good but I've been starting to get a little lazy. This quarter is actually really important becuase its the quarter which I have to present several of my art peices to the leaders of the Graphic Design department. And I still got a bunch of work that I either need to work on or fix! Need to work on 3-D design project, color theory project, Illustrator project, and a Photoshop project and I have like 3 or 4 weeks until I have to present. If I don't pass the Portfolio Review then I'm gonna have to retake a bunch of classes D: But i'm pretty confident on passing so i'm not about to stress out now.
Oh yea I also gotta start writing a 5 page Psychology paper on Sleepwalking due on Monday. Awesome, more work!
Later tonight I'm going to this awesome restraunt with some family. It's basically a meatlovers restraunt and they'll serve you pig, cow, duck, chicken, lamb, turkey, rabbit, and pretty much anything that you can legally kill and eat. I'm soooo freakin hungry too, I haven't eatin all day. So I'm really lookin forward to go to that tonight.
So yea, that's all I really have to blog about now and I'll probably update later this weekend if anything crazy/exciting happens!
OMG, you better do well on those portfolio presentations or I will beat you upside down mister >:[
But yes, Nujabes ftw! What other songs are in the soundtrack?
You're going to a restaurant where they kill Jeremy's homies? HOW RUUUDE.
And to reply to your wildfire comment, those students should have been careful or else 1,000+ houses would've have been destroyed! GAHH the stupidity of people...yet again we make mistakes. bleh..
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