Crazy Friday
So the craziest thing just happened to me not too long ago. I was talking to Dion about it on AIM and he suggested I blog about it which is a good idea that way I dont have to explain everything again to everyone.

This is the Air Soft gun...yea looks pretty real eh?

This is the tip of the gun and I dont know if you can see it clearly or not but the tip is painted orange...sort of...didn't work out too well. This is why I didn't want the gun out of the house because it looks so real.
I woke up about 12:30 to the sound of loud voices and footsteps all over the place. My younger brother who's in his senior year brought some friends over. They all had skipped school because today is senior skip day...whatever. When I woke up I didn't go out of my room and just got on the computer and started to talk to Mark on AIM. I heard the backdoor to the backyard open and shut several times, then my brother comes up stairs and tells me they were goin out to hangout.
My dad is out of town for the week and my mom doesn't even live here so I guess my younger brother thinks its okay to do whatever he wants. So he takes out the old car I used to drive and drives his friends around. Mind you he only has his permit...yea...he's an idiot I know.
So I'm sitting in my room on AIM and listening to Yellow Card minding my own business and I hear this loud pounding on the door like someone was trying to break in. So I run downstairs quickly to see who it is and it was 2 cops. "Oh shit!" is all I'm thinking cuz I thought my brother got caught out with the car. I answer the door and this is pretty much the conversation that went down:
Cop: Where's the BB gun
Me: Uhh what are you talking about?
Cop: Tell the truth right now where's the gun
Me: What gun?
Cop: Step outside right now
Me: What the hell is going on?
Cop: Who's home with you?
Me: I'm here by myself
Cop: Why'd you come down the stairs so quick?
Me: What?
Cop: You came down the stairs pretty quick!
Me: So what, my room is right up the stairs I was on the computer
Cop: Why are you out in the back wih a gun
Me: Why the hell would I be home by myself with a gun in the backyard?
Cop: ....Sit down!
Me: (I sit down) What the hell is going on? This is bullshit!
My friends mom drives by and notices cops questioning me so she gets out of her car and comes over.
Cop: Oh here comes mom now
Me: Thats not my mom
Cop: Who is it then?
Me: It's my friends mom
Friends Mom: What's going on?
Me: I dunno these cops just came here accusing me of having a gun
Cop: Watch your tone!
Me: Whatever man this is bullshit!
Cop: We got a report saying there was a bunch of kids out in the back with a gun
Me: I have nothing to do with that, my younger brother was just here with his friends but they all left
Cop: Do you know where they went?
Me: I have no idea...
Cop: Does your brother have a BB gun?
Me: Yea my brother found one and it looks like a real gun and he doesn't take it out because it looks so real. He even tried to paint the tip orange so he doesn't get in trouble with it. (btw the airsoft gun doesn't even work that well because the CO2 leaks out)

This is the Air Soft gun...yea looks pretty real eh?

This is the tip of the gun and I dont know if you can see it clearly or not but the tip is painted orange...sort of...didn't work out too well. This is why I didn't want the gun out of the house because it looks so real.
Once my friends mom was their the situation cooled down and one of the cops finally decided to pull out his notepad and ask me questions like my name, number, parents names and numbers, brothers names. I didn't tell the cops he was out in the car and eventually after asking me a few more questions they left. My friends mom stayed and I told her the cops were pretty much being dicks and accusing me of all this stuff. The cops were still driving back and forth scopin out the area and what not. So I walk back inside and invite my friends mom in....and on the steps I notice the gun I told the cops about. Holy crap I was so glad they didn't see it on the steps because I know the first thing they would've accused me of was putting it down as I came down the steps. I called my younger brother like a million times because I didn't want him to come home in the car while the cops were still around. So we went out to look for him and eventually found and I drove the car back and put it in the garage. So if the cops come back for all they know the car was already in the garage. If they ask about the air soft gun I'm just going to show it to him. It's not like we can get into trouble for having an air soft gun in our own backyard. I was more concerened about my brother being caught driving around without a lisence.
I probably shouldn't have cursed at the cop and what not but he was being a dick and pissing me off. To me he's not just a cop, he's also a human. I don't really care how much authority he has. I haven't even taken a shower yet or eatin anything all day. I was gonna go into school today and work on stuff too but I guess not anymore since its pretty late -.-