Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dashboard Confessional


Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Dad is Santa

I dunno why I randomly thought of this but it made me laugh.

When I was maybe 12 or 13 my family and I went to McDonalds for dinner. My dad used to have good sized beard and it was white with a hint of his original hair color left in it. This little girl sitting at the table behind us couldn't stop stareing at us. She was probably like 3 or 4. Her mom came over to us and said "i'm sorry but my daughter thinks you look like Santa Clause". hahahah! My dad tried to be really jolly to her and stuff but she seemed shy lol!

Just a random story of some of the funny things in my life. :)

Friday, December 25, 2009


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another Weird Dream

By the way I passed my mid-review which is awesome! No more stressin out :D

You know usually when I dream I always think there's some type of meaning to it but this one..idk

I was in a house on some tropical island and I was with a group of people. I can't remember if there was anyone there that I knew. We were all given a list that had the profiles of some girls and were said we'd be given a girl to date. So I looked through the list and found one I thought would be a pretty cool girl to date. Then the girls walked in and we were paired up, turned out we didn't have a choice as to which girl we were paired up with, we had to take what we got.

yea yea I know this dream is hella weird..

So I got paired up with some girl that looked asian but she might of been mixed with some hispanic or something like that. She was pretty though...we hungout for a little while and got to know each other, I don't know the exact details of what we talked about. All I knew was that she still had another boyfriend...?

Then I dropped my phone and the people of the house gave me a new one. I didn't like the way it looked but they gave me another one since I didn't like the first one they gave me.

No idea why that was in my dream or what it represented haha. my "girlfriend" and I went out for a drive and it had just rained so the air was a little musty and hazey. We drove down some road and saw a bunch of different car accidents from the rain. The most memorable one though was a gold limo that some how ended up in a tree....yea...idk.

Then we went out to dinner and talked and stuff.

It was weird cuz eventually we were treating eachother like we'd been going out for a long time. Although I didn't really know anything about this girl...or even her name o.O

In my dream I actually felt like I liked her too and cared about her and stuff. I think she had felt the same way even though she was still with her boyfriend.

Eventually my dream changed over and I ended up at the doctors office and my doctor was asking me all these questions and I didn't have the answers to any of them.

I forget what happened after that cuz I woke up.


The End! :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

TImes almost out...

I'm so screwed...

I have a portfolio review tomrrow at 5pm and I need 12 peices...I only have 7. I don't think I'll be able to pass with just 7 even if they're good and meet the standards my advisors are looking for.

If I fail the review then I fail my class that I've been working my ass off to make this magazine, which has been the only project we've had all quarter. I've spent so much time working on it that I've barely had time to work on other projects for my review.

On top of that I have to finish an animation for flash class and complete a website. I have till the 17th which I guess is enough time to finish it...if I don't finish one then I fail the class.


At this point I don't know what to do anymore...I just feel like everything is going down hill from here. I still have so much shit to do and I have less than 2 days to do it all.

I mean its not a bad thing to fail cus it just means I have to take the class over again but I'm not thinking about that. I'm thinking about the money issue. It cost shit tons of money to be in these classes and if I fail then that's just more money comin out of my parents pockets. I have yet to fail any class and I'd feel awful if I did. I'd feel even worse if I failed 2 classes...

I just don't get it...I feel like I've been working so much on stuff but at the same time I haven't gotten enough stuff completed.

These reviews are so frustrating and just makes me hate art.

I'd seriously rather be in a gen. ed class writing a paper or studying for a final exam. I can't even describe how much work goes into just one really shouldn't be that difficult but the teachers I have seem to make everyhting difficult.

I can't even explain what I want to right now...everything just feels like it's falling apart. I'm just so fuckin tired of this.

I don't mean for this to sound like a bitch fest but gaahh!

...everything i've done is going to be for nothing =_= ...why in the hell did I choose to go to this damn school...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Most Epik is the most High!

Love this group and blastin' this song! lol

Don`t be nervous Stay calm and ready
A time bomb is ticking and your heart is heavy
Close your eyes and open your minds
Let the butterflies in the pit of your stomach subside
This is life in the making
The roots of this will never be forsaken
But barriers were built for breaking
so keep moving it. Let your heart grip the beat
Driver`s seat, ride the rhythm and start losing it
Spotlights, bright lights and neon
Rays of energy pour from backdrops and beyond
Music hits you so hard you can`t blink or see on
a slave to the rhythm but still we'll reach freedom
Let it breathe, make it bang
light a fire on the stage like Hendrix in acid rain
Most Epik is the most High
That`s why I rep the flyest shit in the south side

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weird Dream!

Ok so I felt like writing this dream out before I forget it lol

So I was on this plane and I didn't know where I was even going, just that I was going to some place cool and have some fun :D

I'm by myself at this point in the dream but i'll meet up with others later.

When the plane lands and I walk outside I see that we're in Korea!! :D wooo!!

Yea I skipped the whole Korean terminal and just ended up outside in this Korean city lol.

It wasn't all city like though. Well I guess it was but not like skyscraper kinda city. It looked a little run down but looots of people were everywhere. There was also lots of bright colors from the signs on all the different shops. It was pretty neat looking.

So I'm walkin around and then I meet up with Jeremy! He's all like "hey lets go hang out and see what the others are up to". We walk to this overhang where this guy was cooking some kinda food. I don't remember why but I had to leave for a moment to go do or get something. 

Next thing I know this dude pops out and starts to mug me! He was really scrappy lookin with messed up hair a thick 5 o'clock shadow, a green jacket and greyish colored pants. He had a gun in his hand and I was like oh shih! I dont wanna die! So I pulled out my wallet and all I had was a few American dollars and one Korean dollar. Even though I have no idea what Korean money looks like  <.<

I tried to explain to the guy it had a lot of money on it cuz I couldn't speak in Korean so I was just like "big money! lots of monies!" and I was stretching my arms out to show there was a large amount lol xD

The guy left and I was like damnit! I have no money! I need to cancel my card now before he spends all the money on it!

I was also freaking out cuz I hadn't paid my school bill yet and I really needed that money to pay it.

I remember calling my Dad to tell him and he was just like go to the bank and tell them to cancel it. So I walked around looking for a Chevy Chase Bank and I couldn't find one. Guess they don't have them in Korea...or at least in the Korea I dreamt of.

Oh yea Jeremy was back in the picture at this time helping me look for a bank.

So I couldn't find one and some how I ended up going to my brothers school and staying there for a little while. Jeremy was gone and I didn't get to see any of my other friends :(

Idk what happened after that.

I remember sliding down a slide on a playground and there was a spider web at the end and I ran into it. And this guy sitting near the slide goes "oh no my friends" in the most monotone voice possible hahaha. But I got up and the web sprung back up and all the baby spiders were fine..except the ones crawling on me that I had to brush off. 

Then I ended up on FB  and one of my friends had a picture up where she was at a protest and her sign just said "aldfjal" so I commented on it "a;dsl;vldcmn;ofidlsj". lol!

yea...i have weird dreams that don't make any sense =]