OMG!! 3 months later I write a new blog! :D woooo!!! adventuuuuuure!
Anyways a shiz load has happened over the past few months such as school starting and going to NY and meeting all these cool cats like Arren, DIon, Romain, Sunni, and Magz!(edit: oops I forgot Jeremy :O hahaha) I hope to meet everyone yet again and hangout and sooner or later head over to the west coast and hangout with even more cool people! :D OH and I'll be sure to stop by Chicago and pick up that foo Kyle too.
So I was reading Abbys blog and I decided to rant for a second about the same topic.
Valentines Day:
The day of love and candy hearts and blah blah blah. Since its only 8 days away i've kinda been thinking about it every now and then. I haven't liked Valentines Day since like..7th grade. Mostly because I've never had a real Valentine and I guess 7th grade was when I realzed what V-Day was actually all about.
There was one year though when I asked one of my bestfriends girlfriend to be my valentine and she totally said yes hahahaha. She only said yes because he hadn't 'officially' asked her to be his valentine, lol. Anyways...
So the main reason I dont like V-Day is because of the idea that we're supposed to show all this affection and shiz for the one we love. And I've always thought, 'heck why not just do that everyday?'. So i've just thought the whole day was stupid and big income for Hallmark. Latley though I've started to change my mind. Whoever says we have to be dating to have a Valentine? :D
So basically i've decided to let V-Day be V-Day and I'll just show all my love to friends, and if anyone wants to send me a card and what not i'll gladly accept and maybe even send out a few myself. Oh and I'll probably ask a bunch of random girls, dating or not, to be my Valentine lol.
Side Note:
I guess Jana is right and I have some cute asian girl fetish or something? o.O I keep seeing them everywhere now and they stand out more to me than a hot white girl. Maybe its all this J-Pop and K-Pop music I keep listening too. I dunno but whatever, me likes! :]
And if Brandon is reading this yes I am trying to steal your women. Next shall be your land! >:]
So yea that's all I have to say after 3 months and I might start getting back into these and not write a blog 3 months later :D
Although I did say something similar in my last blog hahah
Anyways a shiz load has happened over the past few months such as school starting and going to NY and meeting all these cool cats like Arren, DIon, Romain, Sunni, and Magz!(edit: oops I forgot Jeremy :O hahaha) I hope to meet everyone yet again and hangout and sooner or later head over to the west coast and hangout with even more cool people! :D OH and I'll be sure to stop by Chicago and pick up that foo Kyle too.
So I was reading Abbys blog and I decided to rant for a second about the same topic.
Valentines Day:

The day of love and candy hearts and blah blah blah. Since its only 8 days away i've kinda been thinking about it every now and then. I haven't liked Valentines Day since like..7th grade. Mostly because I've never had a real Valentine and I guess 7th grade was when I realzed what V-Day was actually all about.
There was one year though when I asked one of my bestfriends girlfriend to be my valentine and she totally said yes hahahaha. She only said yes because he hadn't 'officially' asked her to be his valentine, lol. Anyways...
So the main reason I dont like V-Day is because of the idea that we're supposed to show all this affection and shiz for the one we love. And I've always thought, 'heck why not just do that everyday?'. So i've just thought the whole day was stupid and big income for Hallmark. Latley though I've started to change my mind. Whoever says we have to be dating to have a Valentine? :D
So basically i've decided to let V-Day be V-Day and I'll just show all my love to friends, and if anyone wants to send me a card and what not i'll gladly accept and maybe even send out a few myself. Oh and I'll probably ask a bunch of random girls, dating or not, to be my Valentine lol.
Side Note:
I guess Jana is right and I have some cute asian girl fetish or something? o.O I keep seeing them everywhere now and they stand out more to me than a hot white girl. Maybe its all this J-Pop and K-Pop music I keep listening too. I dunno but whatever, me likes! :]
And if Brandon is reading this yes I am trying to steal your women. Next shall be your land! >:]
So yea that's all I have to say after 3 months and I might start getting back into these and not write a blog 3 months later :D
Although I did say something similar in my last blog hahah
You always lag at keeping up with blogs. SHAME.
HAHAH you and I have the same similarities of v-day. I'll probably do the same as you are even though I already mentioned that earlier in my blog.
SEE! You white men keep taking our kind away! Bunch of fugly hoggers.
be my valentine!
@Abby: im sorrryyy i lag so much! lol FUGLY?? HOGGER?? how wude >:[
@Kylez: okie! :D
@JanaBanana: BestBuy girl heck yeaaa!! As for McDonalds girl, i think she was kidnapped by that creepy old guy. And I'll fight those asian kamikazes if I have to! Soccer girls pic=photoshopped lol
@Brandon: Im an American and I'll take what I want! >:D mwahahaha
@Ralphizzle: hahah thats a good way of putting it XD
It's okay. Every white-guy goes through it once in his life, right? O_O
Why can't I follow you?! D:
And damn, you into Asian girls now? Lol Yellow Feverrrr alert. Blogging is fun.. You're coming back to NY again. better be. :D
@SunniSunshine: lol, i guess so. It's pretty much permanent yellow fever though, there is no cure. =]
@Silbooor: I dont know why you can't follow me D: I've always been into the asians lol just never really noticed it till recently x] Yes I shall come to NY again and we will hangout! :D
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